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Hedonism II 


John - February, 2009

For travelers considering booking a carefree vacation at Hedo III beware the possibility that you will not get what you pay for.  Although this did not affect us as we had already checked in and had our room occupied, we witnessed a mass overbooking and a blatant disregard for client reservations. 


On Friday February 13, 2009 a large group arrived at Hedo III.  This group had originally been planned for about 70 couples but reportedly over 100 couples arrived instead.  Apparently Hedo III's management decided to accommodate this larger group at the resort and chose to relocate individual couples at other facilities spread out around the Runaway Bay area.  Some of these other facilities did not have services available such as food or filtered water available for these guests and they had to shuttle back and forth to Hedo III for meals, drinks, showers, etc.  One couple that we spoke to had selected to spend Valentine's Day (Feb 14th) at Hedo III in order to propose to his girlfriend.  They were relocated to another facility over that date so that special event was postponed.  Another couple had planned a brief stay of only four nights at Hedo III.  Two of those nights were spent at an off-premise location.  Two girls we spoke to had booked two rooms at the resort but did not get either of them.  Instead, they too were bumped to a different facility.


It definitely made for interesting conversation while sitting around evenings in the hot tub listening to the horror stories from these couples and individuals who were the unfortunate victims.  Again, although this did not directly affect us it most certainly will be a factor when considering if we will return to that location again.
