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Hedonism II 


Nick & Kerry - August, 2007

E Nick and (the lovely) Kerry 8/6-8/14/07


                Due to some family obligations we traveled a couple of days later than was our original plan, but no worries, that just meant that while many of our friends had returned to work, we were still in the nude pool.  Before talking specifics- there are only a few- I would like to say that each year our trip seems to overcome some mild turbulence at some point, and get better each time we are on the island.  This was by far the best trip we have had, from the food to the people  we had a fantastic time. Just being there for us overcomes so much when it comes to any inconveniences.

                Arrived MoBay Monday around noon, quick through customs and immigration, then out to the lounge where we found friends waiting for us. The lounge is not as nice as it used to be, given the number of changes, but we were only there for about 5 minutes before we went out to our bus. The bus ride was uneventful, with the exception of the dead crowd- hard to spread good cheer with families on the bus- not the same as a bus full of hedo people. The energy level was very much lower than we have experienced before.

                So to the resort after stops at club ambience and breezes (where we raided the bar before getting back on the bus). We were met by our wonderful friends Ivy and Rick who had waited in the lobby for 2 hours for our arrival. The resort was at full capacity, with independence day locals and 2 fairly sizable groups in attendance. Check in- room ready, but not what we had arranged- no worries- roll with it.

                Went to the room- not great- third floor quad on the east side. Was prepared to just deal with it, but the door would stick and Kerry could not get out of the room if she needed to- so back down to the office, met with Nehru and  Leejay (who is a doll and a real help). With her help we had to wait a couple hours while another room was vacated and cleaned, but were soon moved to the 600 bldg, room 622.  Some friends who traveled with us were supposed to get an OVN suite, but due to the resort being packed, they got downgraded into a regular OVN room for 2 days, refunded the difference, then moved to the suite they requested- this was their first trip to H3, but they dealt with it just fine.

                Our room: the AC never seems to cool as well as I would like, but is just fine for Kerry- even too cold many times. Our room looked right down on the nude pool pussy fountain, and was shielded nicely by the grotto from most of the loud music. It was clean and except for the couple times the water was completely out, never had a problem with hot water. Maid service was great.

                Shows/EC’s: while they are nice to have around and entertaining for the most part, we seldom count them as a reason we go on this trip. We did notice some new faces but I could not really tell you names. Mystery stands out since we talked with her quite a bit last year, and we did see Spike towards the end of our trip. The shows were nice, there are some extremely talented musicians floating around there. The new piano man, as we have read before, is no Glen- his name is John I believe, and we still had a great time in the piano bar most nights- he seems to be expanding his repertoire to include more racy kinds of material- it will be fun to see if he is still there and what his progress has been next year.

                Pools: water pretty clean for the most part- never really saw many problems with it. The bottom of the nude pool is coming up again, but I do not believe with the year round traffic in it that it would be possible to avoid. The pool bars were good- Nude pool bartenders were exceptional- Bevlyn, Tavida, Serena, and Anecka- lovely ladies all. I hope that the resort takes measures to prevent their leaving before they take the same road Sunshine took.  Our only complaint about the pools was that the music was as usual awful and repetitive after a couple hours. It would be great if they added Sirius or XM to the sound systems at the pools- that would provide some nice variety as opposed to the over and over of the same music day and night.

                Food/Bars: Good throughout.  The bonnet is as always excellent, the nude grill, while a little slow at times, was great (nachos every afternoon), and even the buffets were great this trip. No complaints!

                So finally out to the reason we went- our friends at the nude pool. Spent most of our days and late nights there. Visited the quad once, had a nice time, just prefer the nude side.  Met many many new people, and saw some of our great friends from previous trips.  I am hesitant to name names, but I do not think initials will hurt: R/I  (best bitches ever), S/T (new bitches), B/M (UK bitches), D/G from Atlanta, T/L from N.O., A/D from down the road, Tiff (ROY 2007),  F/T from Virginia, B/S from Michigan. Many more but there were lots of beverages last week and some brain cells had to be sacrificed along the way.  Speaking of beverages-  W/G- after a rough afternoon and night of woowoo shots (cranberry, vodka, peach schnapps)  the lovely Kerry felt she needed something a little mellower so she invented (as far as we know) a new drink. On the way back from the restroom, she created the weewee (pineapple juice, OJ, and coconut rum) pretty tasty, pretty smooth- for those of you going soon- ask Bevlyn for it by name!

                Overall- this trip is our 4th, and the best one yet. We cannot wait to go back next August for AWOL week-  August 2-9 2008.

Nick & Kerry