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Hedonism II 


Elvis - July, 2007

We would just like to let you know just how out Wedding and Honeymoon went.


 To start off we landed in Jamaica (a life long dream) at 9:15am we have to wait on the plane 15 min for them to get to us.. got Thu immigrations and Customs kind fast about 30 min. then we went to the superclubs place and waited there for about 30 mins to get a bus to go to Hedo-3.  so now here is where the dream of Jamaica goes real and I mean REAL bad. it takes us till 2 pm to get to Hedo-3 (what everyone else says takes an hour and a half at the most, not 3 and a half hours. so now I am car(bus) sick cus of a bus driver that don't know how to drive and jerks the bus around every curve unlike a smooth turn she has to be new or something.


The Hotel:

we get there and they don`t have a upgrade like we was told would happen we told them that out Travel agent put in a VIP for us and they told us they never talked to anyone and that they was full and could not do it. (later we sure do see a full resort at all the whole time we are there. sooooooo it was the room we had paid for LOL you just have to laff at this time. cus I am still about to loose what ever is in my tummy cus I don't remember breakfast or lunch yet.


We get to the room they give us and the smell of mold is very high but we are in Jamaica right .....good thing we brought a big can of spray for that. cus  the next day I wake up ,my throat is about closed off and I drench the AC unit with the spray it helps a little bit have to turn it to about off at night so I don't get some kind of sickness.


 well no fruit or wine in our room like we was told would be when we got there..... had to go ask about that... told it would be there after the wedding. LOL...hummm just have to see.


we have to make our own fun there cus we sure didn't see alot of the games for Hedo bucks at all going on... good thing for the Internet cus we talked to a few couples that were going to be there at the same time.that was our fun for the think I could charge Hedo for that???... Yea right !!!


The Wedding:

to start this part you have to go back to check-in  after we did check-in we asked to talk to the wedding cor. and she was at lunch.. Hummm what is that?? Its past 2pm and we still have not had breakfast or lunch.. so we come back to talk with her. and get told that we have to move our time from 11am to 10 am ...or what not have it??? ... so we take the 10 am spot that we was moved to. and pic our flowers and cake LOL... Jamaica fruit cake we was told..  as we are talking to her she is VERY VERY rude to us and turns her back on us while talking to us to say hello to some guest that just come back... Pissssss me off... so anyway I was told to be out with the preacher at 9:45 ok I tell her.

ok so 7/7/7 comes and 9:45 is here and I am with the preacher and waiting and waiting and sweating. I know she was ready  cus I left the room when she was ready. so I see the cake show up and I see little dark flakes on the outside in the icing (not a good job) I ask the wedding cord what kind of cake it is and she tells me that it is a Jamaica Fruit cake and they are very good , so I say Ok great. LOL ...but where is the topper at Hummm guess they dont do toppers in Jamaica wish I would have read that in a trip report somewhere.

wedding is very nice for Jamaica we don't care we just want to get married to each other.


ok  Hello,

I would just like to take a min to let you know just how our Wedding and Honeymoon went.


pics and all start.

ok I do she Do and we are married.... lets cut the cake.  HUMMMM Jamaica chocolate cake LOL I HATE CHOCOLATE CAKE..... even the wedding cord say Humm its chocolate YEA IT`S CHOCOLATE CAKE AND ITS MY WEDDING CAKE!!! so we cut it a slice and do all the pics and have a slice with two of our Internet friends

we go take pics mind you with a sure shot  camera not a high end camera not even as good as my camera and it shows in the wedding pics that we bought $250 man they sure get you with the $10 a pic over the first 12 for $150. But what are we to say. we had our friend take pics with our camera and was told "you know they are not suppose to take pics while I am taking pics" they kept taking pics for us. and better pics I have to say.

ok so told the cake and the Champagne will be brought to our room ok  we get thru with the picture taking and go back to our no cake no nothing......... I have to go ask about "it will be brought up to your room " ...ok so we go walk around the resort swim some and relax.... go back to the room and the cake is there WELL some of the cake is there. not what we left at the wedding just some of it. we don't know who had some of our wedding cake. no one asked or even said they wanted some cus when we ask all that was close to us like the picture taker (no she was not a photographer) if they would like some they said no. ok NO MEANS NO at Hedo-3 right. so to this day we did not eat any more of our Wedding cake  cus of us not knowing if they just picked off of it or sliced off of it either way it was OUR Chocolate wedding cake not anyone Else's.

no champagne or fruit plate


Day after:

some time after we leave the room and come back a bottle of champagne and fruit plate show up. ok good. not hungry for it that night so we will have some later we have a few days left to eat WELL I guess you are suppose to eat it that night cus the next day the maid throws it out and we ask what happend to it and she says she is sorry about that and says she will have another one brought up right away.. well right away means the afternoon of the next day and AFTER you ask about it again.


another day:

we are making our own fun and enjoying our new friends. we had made rev for 6 at the restaurant. Later that night we are there with 4 other friends. they only have rest for 2 and then found it for 4 , and say that only 4 of us can eat there. I am just about at the end of a rope and I think she may see that. she says to go have a seat and they will fig it out.

as we are waiting another couple get up and leave cus they are tired of waiting. wooolaaaa now room for 6 we get seated and I get some extra shrimp to make me happy It don't happen..... so I give a I'm ok look to all our new friends and look like I am so happy now...BULLSHIT....


Another night:

we try the Italian ...LOL... this night I just about make my new wife a widow.... I am eating and start to choke on my food...hummm.. never done this before... no one is looking and I start to really panic and shove my fingers down my throat to get what is choking me... HUMMMMMMM.. a long piece of plastic looks like that on a Turkey breasts that was not cut off .. I tell our wait-tress about it and she says ok thank you. and later a cook comes over and asks if everything is ok and say bye Humm dont give time to say anything.

 I guess they do that at Hedo when a raw fish plate  and a well done steak that is raw  is sent back and some one about chokes to death at the same table.


other Nights:

we never could get the same drink all over the resort.. they was either out of something to make it with or made the drink another

was always hinted about taking care of them and they would take care of us...LOL...No tipping allowed I they sure was looking for tips. the bus drivers to anywhere, the bartenders. servers... to the guys taking you out on the boats.


 Hell even the dive boat run out of Gas. Glad no one had to be rushed back to shore!!!

One time they left my wife down at the bottom on a dive ALONE so they could bring another diver up from the bottom that had freaked out.... WOW all alone no dive buddy... Hubby is very pissed off  to learn of this. very happy that nothing happend to her while she was left  ALL ALONE-----That was NOTvery safe at all!!! 

and it is her 3rd dive ever in her life.


So with other things they messed up they were sending champain and fruit plates to our room. I guess to make up for it we brought back 5 bottles with us and Laff when we see them.. we have to Laff or we would just cry over a BAD wedding and Honeymoon vac to Hedonism-III with all the money we spent for it.


We was given a free day at Hedo III for our 1 yr Anv. but we have to spend it at Hedo-3 with July-7th 2008 being one of the days.. HUMMMMM I wonder how much fruit and champagne we would get during that week.

 so they call them SUPPER CLUBS ..... Not even close so we did see some new places being built and we think we will Maybe check them out next time.


 Hedo-III Really messed up a life long dream for me of going to Jamaica  and to top it off mess up my  Wedding and My Honemoon.

I dont think I will give Supperclubs another chance to mess up anything else in mine or our life.


 We are NOW waiting for the rufund on our passports!!!




OK so sorry it is so long and kinda messed up but it is late ..

