Alan - February, 2006

Alan (Big Al Hedo’s Pal) – ‘R’

February 13-21, 2006 – Hedonism III 

I've just returned from Hedo III. I hadn't caught on to Denny’s site before departing and in some respects am glad I didn't because it may have altered my choice on where to go and I would have missed the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful people I met between February 13th and 21st. I was a Hedo virgin. 

Booking/ Flight: 

I booked directly with Superclubs on line. Once exploring rates, etc., I called to arrange the booking. The lady that answered the phone was very friendly and helpful however she quoted me a rate that was US$700 more than my online quote and indicated there was no single share available. I thanked her, hung up, and booked exactly what I was looking for back on the Superclubs website. I didn’t learn about Denny’s site until arriving at Hedo III so next time I’ll check his travel services out. When I arrived at Hedo I got what I booked and was pleased with the room and my single share buddy Bill. We ran into each other a few times at the resort, said hello, chatted, yet he really did his thing and I did mine. It worked out great. The last three nights I had the room to myself as Bill departed Friday afternoon and I left Monday. 

I flew US Air from Toronto to Mo Bay via Charlotte. The flight was ok however I wasn’t impressed with all of the immigration crap returning through the US. The US department of Homeland Security is really a put off to flying through the States, unless absolutely necessary, and next time I’ll fly Air Canada, trading off a higher fare for less inconvenience. Arrival in Jamaica was fine, expedient and we were soon on our way in a small van to Hedo…the driver was great and with the small passenger list had an opportunity to meet Oliver and Linda and Bill and Ann and we ran into each other at various times through the week. It was always a pleasure to see their familiar faces. 


I thought the hotel was well kept and the staff was phenomenal. The grounds were expertly maintained, the room was kept clean, and all areas of the resort were well attended to. I think if you’re looking for the benefits you’ll find them and if you’re looking for the flaw you’ll find it too. All in all I thought the facilities were very good. 

Food/ Beverage: 

I arrived with low expectations with respect to the food. Having visited a number of Caribbean countries previously, and having generally been disappointed with the food I assumed Jamaica would be similar. I was pleasantly surprised. The Japanese restaurant was very good as were the grills and the buffet. I had a good breakfast every day, the beef and the lamb were awesome and all in all I have no complaints. The bar staff were courteous and although at times there was a bit of a wait it’s understandable. When there are 3-5 bartenders and 50-100 patrons looking for a drink at times, it’s understandable that you’ll need to wait a bit and it’s a wonderful opportunity to meet new people while hanging around waiting for your drink. 


My experience with the staff was exceptional. They were all friendly and helpful and as a single guy in the rare moments that I was alone one or another would come over and ensure I was doing well. My favorite was Dale Ferguson however they were all wonderful, the entertainers, bar staff, grounds keepers, cleaning staff, restaurant servers, bellmen, the whole works! Hedo III’s mission statement said they were about satisfied customers and employees. They appear to be living up to their motto. Congratulations! 

Disco/ Theme Nights: 

I had a blast with the theme nights, dressed up every night and really let loose. It was a great time. I had the pleasure of dancing with some really cool ladies, occasionally in the cage, and the “climax” came on the last night when Mandy (Pink) got her hubby Sean and a number of us Crazy Canadians up dancing nude on the disco bar. North met South when some of our American neighbors joined the festivities. What a liberating blast. Thanks Pink!  

I can’t help but mention the Canadian/ US volleyball match in the quad pool. Of course the Canadians ruled…kicking some US butt…lots of fun win or lose but glad we won! Thanks guys for letting us deflate your egos. You were lots of fun. 

Hot Tubs/ Beaches/ Pool Areas: 

The pools were well kept and nice. The hot tubs at the nude side and the quad were ok, at times the temperature variations were a little more than one could bear and the beaches were well kept. It would be great to switch the nude and prude sides and to see a bigger hot tub for the late night nude hot tub activities. The water slide was a blast and most nights when leaving the disco we made a few runs down the slide…refreshing and fun. 


Hedo, at least for me, was really about the people I met there… outgoing and friendly, nonjudgmental, helpful and bright. I really hope to run into many of you again if you’re reading this. I met too many people to list in this report and you all had a profound impact. Thanks for making the week great! I recall reading somewhere that Hedo is a state of mind…something I definitely agree with…it’s liberating, educational, satisfying, inquisitive, caring…what more could one ask for…I’m definitely going again!

Single Male Perspective: 

Is Hedo III for couples or for singles? My view would be it's for whoever wishes to go. I really enjoy meeting new people, singles and couples, and I relish meeting them to become friends, to interact, to converse and rarely is the subject matter sex (or at least initially). I live life with no expectations but am open for possibility; a life philosophy that is not exclusive to my intimate encounters.

For single guys, please have respect, be gentlemen, don't go where you aren't invited, understand that no means no and yes can turn to no occasionally. If you can't accept a rejection you might be better off visiting a therapist than planning a vacation at Hedo III. And please, don't wank in one wants to watch you pound your pud...if you need to pull it go to your room. I certainly appreciate why the stereotype exists...there are plenty of piranha, particularly around the hot tubs and they do little to create dissonance with the commonly held interpretations of the single male. As an interesting aside I had a conversation with someone (sorry for not remembering whom) who introduced the idea that many of the piranha types are in fact married men whose wives are at home and who are off on a "business" trip. I'd be reasonably certain that there are both.

If you've spent a week at H III and you're intent on bidding farewell to the friends you met there, and you haven't been intimate with, before they depart you've probably had a good time. For me, it's not all about sex. I met some of the most brilliant people at Hedo that I've ever met anywhere and 95%+ had great attitudes and were real cool. And, there's no need to hang with the remaining 5%...a polite "have a nice vacation" suffices. The conversations can flow pretty freely and there are wonderful opportunities to learn about literally hundreds of subjects ranging from philosophy to business, medicine to law, entertainment, great books, economics, and so on.

The new friendships weren't confined to couples and single women. I met some really cool single guys there too and a sense of fraternity evolved among the single guys. I acknowledge the young Canadian men who were booked in the same time as I was. They were respectful and added to the fun. And, they weren't all Canadian; it was really cool meeting Phil and Lance. If you're presenting yourself appropriately you'll view the single men as a possibility for a good conversation and some friendship too. If you see 'em as competition you're probably going to run into a succession of disappointments.

I slept 23 hours in 7 nights and spent about 30 hours total in my room for sleep, shower, changing, etc. I got into the theme nights and some of the activities and they were great ice breakers for meeting new people. I lost 8 lighters during the week and the need for a light was also a great way to make an introduction. I finally quit buying them recognizing I couldn't hang on to them anyway.

I only really had one experience that may have been classified as negative. Early on during the week I was conversing with a lady in the nude hot tub when her husband took exception. I can't remember what the subject matter was but it was definitely not sex. He'd had a little too much to drink and I invariably fit his stereotypical image of the single man. He leaned over at an opportune moment and told me that I wasn't going to get anything. My response was I had already received what I was looking for...a nice conversation. I indicated I meant no harm and apologized if he was offended. During subsequent days I suspect that he changed his interpretation because he was much more polite, and his wife was bringing the single ladies over for introductions.

A couple of moments that really made me feel good:

1) When a really good looking lady asked me if I'd protect her from a piranha in the hot tub. I did of course and had to move him off.

2) When I was bidding farewell to some new friends and Scott indicated that I'd shifted his negative interpretation of the single male at Hedo III. His wife Cathy's initial interpretation was negative too, both impacted by past experience and the single male stereotype. As an aside Scott gets my pick for most attentive husband during that week at Hedo III.

My funniest experience (there were several) came during the last evening there when a player single male type (respectful but slick) asked me to move away from him and Shelly at the main bar because my smoke was bothering him. (Shelly and Brad were among my late new friend arrivals and were really nice). I moved back and spoke with Brad who had watched the performance. We both roared when the same allergic gentleman had no difficulty lighting Shelly's cigarettes and eating the smoke. It was all fun, what a blast.

My most liberating experiences:

1) The initial arrival and getting nude and then staying nude through most of the week.

2) Dancing nude on the bar in the disco with several new friends.

So, for all of you that want to many times did I get it on in will need to keep wondering...what goes on in Jamaica stays in Jamaica mon.

If any of my new friends recognize me here please drop me an email; I'd love hearing from you soon and thanks for a great week.

Alas my philosophy:
Give up your expectations to make room for possibility;
Be and let be;
Be impeccable to your word;
Don't make assumptions;
Don't take anything personally;
Always do your best;
You're bound to reap whatever it is that you sew!

Everything good mon.... 
