Kurt & Cindy - February, 2004

Travel dates were 2/11/04 - 2/14 had to leave early due to illness
Day one:
The bus ride is like what everyone says, bumpy and fast.  Stop for red stripe is quick.  We were approached by some locals that wanted us to buy drugs.  Politely told them no.  Told the bus driver about and he tossed Kurt a bag which he gave back, no pressure.
At Hedo finally it was beautiful.  Right off to our room with bags.  Slight mishap when the bell man pulled some white powder which he tried to sell to Kurt.  FYI when they ask if you like to party it mean do you want drugs.  It took us a couple more times before we figured that out.  We are from a small town....
We unpacked a little then we were off to explore.  Kurt and I were naked in no time with drinks in hand and loving life.   Saw some fun pda's in the quad pool and then took a nap.  We were back up at 1:30am and headed over to get some food.  The food was great even at that late hour.  More drinks dirty banana, and red stripe for Kurt.  Not sure when we made it back to our rooms.
Day two: 
Meet with wedding planner Karen.  She is so great.  We love her!!  Just can't say enough about how great she is!  Laid around in the sun and fell asleep.  Blur... Blur...  Ate lunch... Blur....  Toga night!  So fun.  I say make your own if you have time.  Quad pool fun, fun....  Met a great couple (sort of never got their names) there.  Kurt's favorite night.  Enough said.
Day three:
Nude beach fell asleep and woke up when the sun went down.  I wanted to do the nude slide run but I could not get out of my chair, dirty banana must be to blame.  Yummy!
After dinner put on maid outfit and pranced around the grounds and then dancing at the disco.  Big regret not getting on the pole.  Back to hot tub, quad was empty so we went to the nude side.  Saw some friends and saw some other things, did some other things....
Day four:
Leaving hedo, so sad.  Happy also got married.  They did a great job!  Left resort.  Down hill from there.
To sum it up it was such a bummer that Kurt was sick.  This place is so great I want to live there.  It has changed me for life.  I never felt so free in my life.  I wanted to do so much more and met more people.  Maybe next year.  The food is great!!!  I am not a drinker at home, but I was surprised that I had to try pretty hard to get a buzz.  Rum and diet did the trick for that.  One was plenty.  Oh and that rum French toast in the morning was heaven. 
Must have for hedo is the 32oz cups, and baggies if you smoke.  We ruined a pack the first day.  That reminds me watch out for the dip in the quad pool if you get in by the bridge and wade to the left to the bar stools!
Kurt & Cindy