Kate - April, 2004

As requested, I will attempt to provide a submissive perspective on the Creepy Hedo Crew's adventures.  From down here on my knees, the view was YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY!!  Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but let's be honest :  this was one incredibly sexy and fun group and I was like a kid in a candy store!  My given name is slut for a reason and before I go any further I must thank my beloved Master A for his generous indulgences and his discriminating guidance in this regard.
I admire Creepy Stalker Guy & Creepy Nike Boobs for their attempt at chronological reporting.  Frankly, I have absolutely no concept of what happened when ... though I have a near photographic memory of with whom and in what position ;) !  I will therefore default to stream-of-consciousness trip reporting and babble at random until I achieve the record for the longest slut report ever posted to DennyP...
The Good
*  Rum Cream -- how the hell did I get to be this old & never know that there was something this good to drink?!  Perhaps my lust for this liquor is a little biased as my first taste was within hours of our arrival, in the nude hottub doing bodyshots off complete strangers. 
* Sunscreen -- after achieving a serious base tan at home (read this "I no longer glow in the dark"), I slathered myself and Master (who was born with a nice base tan) in SPF 40 at least twice a day ... and am very thankful I did.  Nothing would have put the brakes on our vacation as fast as burned bits, and we still came away with a beautiful Jamaican glow.  Thanks go out to Creepy Real Estate Guy for his help in being REALLY sure I got everything covered ;)
*Spike -- the best damn EC in town.  Spike is quite simply my long-lost, sexy, subbie, pouty, bitchy, sweet, funny, stylish sister ... I will never forget his round of Truth or Dare in the nude hottub, "reading" the cards (also known as making up the freakiest shit he thought he could get away with!) and promptly figuring out that the members of the quickly forming Creepy Crew were up to the challenge!
*Orientation -- No, no, no -- not going on the official orientation ... messing with the prude suckers who did!  Absolutely any activity was subject to interruption when a fresh group of nervous clothed people passed through the nude side, huddled together and acting like they were at a freak zoo with no bars.  Clearly they were concerned that we were contagious, so we tried our level best to touch every single one of them and be as fun and friendly as can be.  I offered every group a hell of a deal:  "Take off your clothes and I'll take off my ... ummm... hat!"  No takers :(  All of these assaults on orientation were simply warm-ups to the main event, masterminded by Creepy Master (Creepy Peeper to the rest of you lol) and quickly expanded by the Crew.  Alas, the Hedo Curse foiled all our brilliant plans, taking out key players prior to each attempt.  So, there is a torch to be carried here, Creepy Crewmates -- I hope to be there when "it" happens, but if not there'd better be pictures and a full accounting here!! 
*Nachos -- Let's be honest ladies - one of the best parts about being at Hedo is that we are no longer dieting & working out trying to get ready for Hedo!  I went in feeling pretty confident and ready to bare all, promptly ate & drank at will and lost my abs within 12 hours.  The best part?  I didn't care!!  In fact, I had another plate of nachos and a mudslide!  Before we went I read a lot on this board about how quickly one gets used to being naked and how it doesn't matter how you look, everyone is beautiful at Hedo.  Blah, blah, blah ... like there is really a place where women aren't catty and men aren't shallow.  Well, guess what?  As it turns out, it's all true.  Being nude is very liberating and appearances are suddenly irrelevant.  HONEST!  I know you won't understand unless you experience it firsthand, but have faith that you will come home unable to describe what your new friends look like naked, but fully tuned into their personalities and the spirit they added to your experience.  Which leads me to the next good thing:
*Being yourself!  It happened so naturally when I was there, I didn't realize until after I was home how completely freeing Hedo is.  To come back to the "real" world (which now seems even phonier than  before!) is a major buzzkill!  Some examples:
--I'm attracted to someone's wife. 
      Hedo:  I flirt, or compliment her.  Everyone feels good.
      World:  I can't do anything, someone might freak out.  Nobody gets a warm fuzzy.
--A man I don't know is wearing a sexy shirt.
      Hedo:  I walk right up, tell him it's damn sexy & ask if I can feel it.  New friend made,    
                everyone feels good.
      World:  A) I tell him it's sexy and I'm a creepy stalker girl.  Rejection.
                  B) I tell him it's sexy and he assumes that means I want to sleep with him.  
                  C) I don't say anything, someone might freak out.  Nobody gets a warm fuzzy.
--During conversation, I think of my usual smart-ass, sexually explicit or innuendo-laden 
      Hedo:  I blurt it right out, and find it matched or exceeded by no fewer than 3 of my       
                group -- and something from the exchange will undoubtedly be a recurring theme.
                Everyone feels good.
      World:  I bite right through my tongue, then excuse myself because I'm going to say it   
                 anyway, regardless of who gets offended, excited, confused or horrified!  Nobody
                 gets to laugh.
I could go on & on, but I'm sure you get the picture.  I'm sure there are some people who are only pretending to be fun-loving and easy-going at Hedo.  I'm sure there are some people who are really fun-loving and easy-going in the World.  I know for certain that there are a lot of people who need to do some serious drinking to assume their "Hedo persona"... I spent my time there mostly stone cold sober, reveling in every moment of freedom -- that happy, sexual, playful, flirtatious, loving, wild, friendly slut is really who I am, and it was a joy to be myself, unrestrained, for a whole week!  Naturally, it was also a dream come true to have that much time alone with Master, openly owned.  While our expressions of this relationship were seriously restrained (as mentioned in his report), just being called by name in public and acknowledged as his day in and day out was delightful. To all of you who enjoyed me, humored me, put up with me, tolerated me or avoided me altogether - Thank you :)
The Bad
Some of these have already been mentioned, but bear repeating for emphasis!
*Tokens... and the junk for which they are redeemable.  Give out bottles of the good stuff ... or you won't get any more of ours!
*Disco ... PLEASE turn it down!  Saturday Night Fever still gets old, even when it is so loud you get an aneurysm!  The playlist needs some serious work ... and who ever heard of a good party where requests are refused!?  Thank goodness for the naked water slide outside ... I'm not a big water fan, but had a blast holding everyone's clothes for many a late night splashdown ( I may be the best tipped coat girl in history ;) ).
*Creepy No-Spank Guy ... If Master hadn't had me on a short leash, even I'd have kicked your ass for being such a hypocritical, psychotic wanker.
*Creepy Ganga Guys ... all 564 of them!  Honestly, the first 30 or so times they each asked if I was fine I smiled.  After that, I had to hold myself back.  All-time worst ( I have to second Creepy Stalker here) is the guy by the pier.  I think I got my revenge though ... everytime I'd orgasm, he'd pop up, only to find that we weren't done by a long shot -- he must have been exhausted from yo-yoing up & down!   Frankly, by the time we were done, I was a little offended that he thought anything he had to offer could top the trip we'd just taken together lol!
*Creepy Grabby People ... there were only a few  (in the hottub and one in the disco) and they were utterly insignificant as I knew the entire Creepy Crew had my back.  I mention them here only so I can salute my heroes ... thanks for the rescue in the disco, FD Guy ... and above all thanks to Creepy Creaky Knee and Creepy Perfect Real Breasts for so effectively and enjoyably covering me at the slightest sign of Creepy Purple Nails!
*Creepy Beautiful People ... covered beautifully by Master in his report ... I bring them up only to clarify something:  There were plenty of beautiful people in the Creepy Crew too, enough sex appeal to make your head spin and that's just the ladies!  The difference is that the Creepy Beautiful People had absolutely nothing going for them but that designation.  The gorgeous people in our crew opened their mouths ( to talk, you perverts!), hearts, arms and minds and very quickly built on the beauty ... they were the total package, all wrapped up in a lovely box (ahem).
The Surprising
Ok, there was really only one thing that I found surprising and I will go into it here only because I am seriously seeking feedback from anyone with something to say.
I was stunned by the number of people who, most without even talking with us, quickly judged that Creepy Master was "a dreadful sod" to that "sweet little thing" (which I have been assured, however unlikely, refers to me).   The recounting of such reactions (all by sources I trust) was prevalent enough that I believe disapproval  was a regular sport among those outside the Creepy Crew.  Let me be clear - we know that our D/s lifestyle is outside the experience and understanding of most people, even those who swing.  We are used to encountering curiosity and concern when we attend swing clubs, etc.  Interestingly, most of the time any outright hostility we encounter is from women, directed at me.  Hedo was unique in our experience in that I felt accepted overall and all the hostility seemed directed at Master.  What puzzles me greatly is that all of this happened without any overt "mistreatment" ... I was never bound & gagged by the pool, lashed or whipped on the verandah.  I never knelt at Master's side while he ate and begged to lick the plate when he was done.  All of these things would have been well within the bounds of our relationship, yet I understand how they might have been perceived by many as mistreatment.  I cannot, however, fathom what anyone saw in our actual behavior that bothered them so?!  Any insights would be welcomed, as I am curious to a fault and while I am not averse to disturbing people, I prefer it to be on purpose ;)
The Shopping
Plan on shopping at the airport!  If you need gifts, especially for children, you will probably be disappointed in the selection at the Hedo gift shop.  The vendors who set up in the courtyard have some beautiful things, but they are not always there so if you see something you like, grab it right then!  Since the token system sucks, plan on buying liquor to take home from the duty free shops in the airport ... shop around, they vary.
The Food, Weather, Rooms
Who cares!?  OK, I know that when you are planning a trip, this seems like important stuff.  And I'm sure that some will argue it matters while you are there.  I say, you're in Jamaica, surrounded by fun, sexy, naked people - who cares about anything else!?   The food is only fuel to keep your body moving from the pool to the bar, the weather only affects where you have fun - inside or outside, and the room is where you go when you slam into the wall & have to give up for a few hours before you start it all over again.  The food is edible, with some treats already mentioned in Master A's report.  The weather is variable, ranging from Jamaican sun to Jamaican rain... both of which are better than anything at home.  The rooms are clean & have enough space to get glammed up for theme nights or chase each other around the bed.  I'd recommend taking advantage of the huge tub for a hot bath and nap before dinner.
If you have read all these trip reports and still not booked a trip with Denny, I have one piece of advice for you:   NEVER GO!  Seriously, you will be hooked for life.  It's one more thing that everyone says on the boards, and I know you don't really believe it any more than I did.  Trust me on this one:  There's no going back.  Your life will become about finding the money and time to go back again.  You will compare everything in your world with Hedo, and Hedo will always win.  Resistance is futile ... even as I type, they are partying there ... 24/7 that amazing place exists ... and damn it, we should still be there!
This report barely scratches the surface of our trip ... hopefully it captures enough of the essence to be of some use.  To the whole Creepy Crew :  I miss you every single day!  Master is too much of a gentleman to allow me to go into detail in public on exactly what I miss about whom (I kiss and tell, he changes names to protect the guilty ;) )... but extra kisses to those of you who put some "wicked" in our week.  Please stay in touch ... I know there are plenty of photos out there yet to be exchanged ( I may even have a few myself!).  Above all, keep your future travel plans updated on Denny's list ... whether together or with our incredibly cool and sexy spouses, Master  & I will most certainly be back as soon as possible & we'll be watching for you!   
~Creepy Scary slut {devoted possession of Master A}
