Michael & Jennifer - February, 2003

February 8-15

Hello all...

I will skip the flight info and the bus ride etc to the hotel and get right down to specifics , good and bad about our first trip to Hedo 3.  

We arrived Saturday mid day and were exhausted from being up and in the airport here in NJ at such an early time in the morning for our flight to leave to Montego Bay.  Our first night there which was " Glitz" night was a very laid back evening.  Partly due to being exausted, we admittely did not have much energy to partake in any of the activities that night.  We retired for bed early that night after making all these plans to hit the disco etc.  We just didnt have it in ourselves to keep our eyes open anymore and finally drifted asleep. The following days were always filled with relaxation and the feeling of sensuality with each other that was extremely powerful to say the least.
PJ night was a blast and Toga night, which originally we did not want to partake in was also a hit.  We actually both wore matching tshirts that night that said " HEDO LOVES EATING PUSSIES".  To our surprise they were a hit.We bought them in the gift shop and were hystercial the entire night.
Our room was gorgeous, ocean view suite in building 8.  839 to be exact, right on the corner.  It was very spacious and EVERYTHING worked.  Our complaint about the location of the room was this.  From 3 pm to about 5 pm or so all you heard was constant banging from the music.  This was of course the time for us that we called " refresh time"  .  Our usual time we would go to bed would be anywhere from about 4 to 5 AM, and after being up all night, you def need those 2 hours to get recharged again.  This was impossible as the music was pounding after pounding.  After talking with other couples, they felt the same way.  The music needed to be turned down those hours of mid day.

The week we did go was the " Nude Wedding Week" so there were also some media coverage there.  We needed to sign releases etc. to be allowed in that area.  It was not overwhelming though but we were forewarned about it.  The couples that were getting married and minister and his wife were FABULOUS people.  It was truly a wonderful thing to witness.  I should mention also that " Exotic Nights" were also there.  I did notice when alot of the dancers from this organization left, the guests seemed more relaxed.  Playboy was also there filming but again very cordial to the other guests as far as confidentiality goes.

We loved the disco and went every night except the first night when we flew in.  We, ourselves , had some exhibitionism going on which was great..ok I admit it..I LOVED IT!  We did get in to some trouble some of the evenings but again not a problem.  The see through tub was also great as we spent alot of time there.  We discovered the quad area pool and that was our hang out for the rest of the week.  We are not much of beach people so the size of the beaches on both sides truly did not matter to us.

Food was great and I highly recommend both the Japanese place and the Pasta place .  It was nice for a change and very intimate I  might add.  The room service coffee came in handy especially after being up so late every night we were there.  The EC'S were just incredible.  I wanted to pack them all in a suit case and bring them back home with me.  They really have personalities and of course bodies to die for and we looked forward to seeing and talking with them every day. We did take some of the tours also.  It was a nice day out on the tour despite some of the other tourists who were downright nasty to the residents of this island.  They were not Hedo 3 but from another resort we picked up along the way.  The couples we met at Hedo 3 were incredible people.  There were all kinds of people there and you always felt welcome no matter what.  
Our second complaint , the first being the noise level from 3 to 5, were the single men.  We are not sure if this was because of the Exotic Night Dancers or such, but they truly were a royal pain.  Again this was not ALL, and I want to reiterate that, but the minute my man would go for a drink or a towel, there would be yet another asking to get " laid".  Yes, I know..NO class.  However we did speak to some single men that were very nice.  As soon as I stated that we were not looking for another man to join us, they had moved on. Myself  being a bisexual woman was not shunned upon in the least and everyone was very open minded to say the least. I was not shunned at all.
In closing I will say this..Hedo 3 or any place for that matter is truly what you make of it.  I have never felt closer or bonded with my second half more then I had in the week we were at Hedo.  It truly was an amazing, sensual, erotic experience.  Not to mention the people and the staff of the resort were incredible.  We def will be going back in the future and will post some photos here as soon as we can---------Michael and Jennifer from New Jersey.