Jason & Tanya - January, 2003

Where do I begin.....?  I think you have all read enough about flights, customs, and even the bus ride.  I will just briefly say that our journey to Jamaica was uneventful, even nice (and I HATE to fly!!!!!).  The bus ride was a blast!  If you guys want to see crappy roads, come to Northern Canada (Yellowknife to be precise).  Our bus driver was a riot and we had a bus load of couples heading to Breezes for a wedding.  They were a lot of fun and by the time we had our Red Stripe stop, we were all pretty giddy!

There was one local gentleman sitting quietly at the back of our bus....we all assumed he was a porter.  By the time he hit up all the couples for Ganja, we realized that he was your friendly, local drug dealer.  I though this was quite a smart little partnership....he would ride along with the driver and pick up people at the airport and sell them their party favors in the privacy of the bus.  Very creative !!!!

By the time we got to Hedo III, it was about 6pm on a beautiful, sunny evening.  (Had we known this was going to be the only sun we would see in four days, we may have cherished a little more).  No worries, we were finally here!!!  We headed straight to the dining after dumping our bags off in our room and changing our clothes.  This would be the only meal we ate alone!  We were a little nervous about how easy it would be to meet people but we found we had to juggle all the dinner invites to make sure we spent time with everyone......there were times we were putting three and four tables together to accommodate our ever growing group of new friends.

Our first night was spent getting acquainted with the resort.  We toured around a bit and ended the night off in the nude hot tub chatting with everyone else within ear shot!  (I think that is what we did our first night!  Wait.....yea....ok... that was friday.  Who knows for sure...............but that is where we ended off every night, rain or shine.

The next four days (sat, sun, mon and tues) are a blur of rainy, windy days spent drinking, eating and hanging out at the nude hot tub.  We were getting a little down by the end of these four days as we really wanted to go home darker than we when we arrived.  Everyone made the best of it and we had a great time.  Some of the events suffered as a result of the weather and we did not participate in as much as we did the last two days of our trip.  By Monday evening, the weather got so bad that we ate in the dark.  We had a blackout that lasted more than an hour and had an interesting time using lighters and candles to see what was in each of the serving dishes in the buffet line.  Being lobster night, no one wanted to wait for the lights to come back on as we had heard that they run out of lobster early in the evening.

During our first few days, we met a group travelling together with the Wild Women's Vacations (I won't mention names).  We wanted to say thanks to all of them as they made an effort to include us in everything they did.  They were a lot of fun and were obviously a tight knit group.  Although we have to admit they were a little too wild for Jason and I.  I think we need a few more trips before we could even think of keeping up with them.  I swear I would hear them whooping and hollering when we finally went to bed and would wake up to them at it again.  We don't know how they did it, but they were a blast.

The EC's did an outstanding job of keeping everyone's spirits up during the spell of bad weather.  They do such a great job of looking as though they are having the time of their lives.  These wonderful folks worked their asses off six days a week from 10am to 6pm and then again from 8pm to 2am.  14 hours a day!  I don't know where they find the energy and I am sure they fly all across Jamaica to seek out the most gorgeous people alive.  Man!  Jason's jaw almost hit the floor when he saw Fantasy and, our little sweetheart, Sweetness!  I have to say (for myself) both Hulk and Romeo made me more than a little weak in the knees.

.............excuse me for a moment............needed to make myself a coffee and rum cream.  Can't even think of continuing without some internal inspiration.

Every day we would ask the staff, "Where is the sunshine" and everyday they would say the same thing.  "Dis is liquid sunshine baby!  No worries, we bring you sun tomorrow!"  This got to be a bit of a joke at the nude hot tub as every person who asked, got the same response.  We were wondering if they are told to say this by management.  I am smiling right now, as I think of it.  So much for doing my hair!

Well, needless to say, by day four we were getting a little down.  Not to mention I woke up every morning nursing a killer hangover, swearing to Jason that "We are not drinking tonight!".  Normally we do not drink at home with the exception of Christmas or the odd outing with friends.  Next  year we will have to start training our bodies to handle alcohol a few months before we go!.  (I know, spare the lecture about not needing to drink to have fun!  I started my week off with a buzz and decided to go for it)

Oh yea!  We did see PDA's.....of course we did, we're at Hedo for christ sakes.  Everything was fairly discreet and quiet...sometimes you wouldn't even realize that the people you were talking to were doing the deed.  It wasn't constant or offensive, it was just there.  Look if you want or don't, if you don't want to.  We never felt pressured to do anything at all.  Some people offered or invited us "for a drink" but we smiled, said "maybe another time" and that was all there was to it!

 For those who were there at the same time (Jan 24 to 31), I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to our friend who seemed to need no other company than himself and the pussy fountain.  He spoke to no one, yet everyone knew who he was.......he was a man of stamina and perseverance!!!!  I drink my coffee this morning to you!  Well, maybe not!  But when staff FINALLY cut off the power to the pussy fountain, the entire resort gave out a cheer that surely could have been heard from Breezes!

On our second last day, the sun came out full force.  Jason decided that he was not going to wear anyone sunblock as he need to get a weeks worth of sun in two days.  Smart move hun!  Although that bright, red lobster burn has turned into a hell of a tan now. 

Our last night was, by far, our most memorable!  We spent it with some really wonderful people.  The friends we connected with our last few days were friends that we hope to keep forever.  I couldn't imagine having as great a time if we hadn't met them.  Out of respect to them, I will refer to them with initials only!  L & D....you guys are the absolute greatest people ever!  I wish we met you sooner.  Although Jason and I did not get as wild and crazy as we had talked about, you guys were the ones who could have broken us out of our shells.  The fact that you got Jason to play naked volleyball was a feat in itself.  And DANCING?!  Jason has not danced with me EVER, not once until we went to the disco with you, did you drug him?  Next year....same place, same time?  L & C....thank God no one needed medical attention that last night!  You are the sweetest, kindest people alive!  We had such a blast with you guys and (despite what C said), I really hope to meet you next year.  Mind you, it was so kind of you to tell me you would rather hear I was at home with a new baby than doing Naked waterslides with you at Hedo.

To R&W, R&A, M&P (to whom I will always dedicate, "There's a hole in my Bucket, so F*#K it!).....you made the trip more fun.  I will miss you all and hope that we all stay in touch.  M&P, I want to see your pics from Toga night!!!!!  I hope you are all safe at home and I would hate to think that we won't see each other next year!

I don't know how to finish this off as I know there are dozens of other memories I would love to share.  Thie trip changed us, for the better. I never though Jason would run out of the Disco butt ass naked announcing that it was "Naked Waterslide Time!".....I never imagined myself singing a dirty rendition of "There's a hole in my Bucket" in a crowded Piano Bar.  I never thought I would meet the nicest people in the world....all congregated (butt naked) in a hot tub.  Most of all I never thought I would get naked in front of a group of strangers.....if my mother could have seen me.

In closing, I can't imagine going anywhere else for vacation.  Why chance it?  We found everything we could ever want at Hedo.......although I am sure the family is going to wonder what is so great about Breezes that we go a couple of times a year!  (Yes Breezes!  wink, wink)

Well here's hoping we get back in May, then Jan and perhaps next May again! 

Tanya and Jason