Jonathan & Amy - 10/01


Impressions From HedoIII Oct. 6 – 13

We are one of the many couples who had originally booked for HedoII and eventually changed to HedoIII due to the construction work.

First of all, we’d like to thank Denny for publishing and maintaining this site which provided us Hedo virgins with a lot of useful information and without which we would have never known about the construction work until we had gotten there and boy would we have been pissed! (Yeah, great travel agent we had, huh?!).

Since we do not wish to simply repeat what other people have said here, what we would like to do is to offer a couple of pointers from the point of view of an open minded, some might say ‘kinky’ (yeah, yeah, we are the ones who won the ‘best bondage’ outfit at the PJ party. New category? *s*), non swinger (at least by definition), Hedo virgin couple.

If you are first timers, it might be nice to get in touch with a couple of couples (via denny’s website, for instance) who are scheduled to be at the resort during the same dates. This is not essential, of course, since by day 2 you’ll have probably made enough connections to last a lifetime… But it probably would be cool for day 1, until you “get into the program” as Amy put it. (Since we switched resorts at the last minute, we left all our ‘pre-connections’ at HedoII *lol* And for some strange reason we never touched base with the one couple (Kelley & Anna) whom we knew had switched too).

Participate in the activities. That is probably the best way to break the ice, and switch into Hedo mode. Even if you are more on the shy side, download a mud slide (or three) and… Just Do It! You haven’t been to Hedo until you have experienced a body shot first hand… The entertainment crew does an excellent job. Just follow their lead.

We found that having dinner in the dinning area while conversing with your newly found friends is practically impossible. The (live) music from the stage is simply too loud. So it’s up to you. If you want to concentrate on the show - dine in the dinning area. If you'd rather have a more intimate dinner - go to one of the restaurants. In general, we found the food to be good (Good, not excellent), and available around the clock. The midnight buffet closes at 3am, but even if you drag yourself out of the hot tub at 5am, you can still get a light meal. (Just ask for one at the front desk).

If you need to take a nap during the long Hedo days, the best time to do so would be between 6pm – 11pm (Hey, not the whole 5 hours! What, are you crazy??) before or after dinner. This is when the hot tub drains it’s day time occupants and awaits the arrival of the night time ones. (Which are the same people, of course). In any case, these times seem to be the most quiet in terms of public activities. (regardless of the definition of ‘public activities’).

If you are going for a week or less, forget about the excursions – You won’t want to leave the resort. We stayed for a week so that basically sums up our excursion report *lol* . But had we stayed longer we would have definitely ventured out. We found that 7 days at the resort was the perfect length of time. We came across more than one couple who had been at the resort for 11 – 14 days and felt that is was a bit too much. But then again, there were those literally crying on day 14 because they had to leave. We think, again, that for a first timer one week is the perfect duration.


Don’t Bring:

That’s all folks. If anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.