Steve & Foxy - 08/00

Hedo III 8/19-26 From Mz Foxy’s perspective...........

If you are looking for an alternative to Air Jamaica from everything you’ve read, Northwest Airlines offers flights from Tampa straight into Montego Bay. I would recommend it if you don’t want to deal with the problems that some have had. Thanks to and Go Classy Tours for the travel tips and wonderful service. Make sure that you have single American Dollars because the bellman at the airport expect a tip. I gave him 2.00 and they were satisfied. You may also want to take a bottle of water on the plane so you don’t have to worry about that either and by all means bring a pen for the immigration forms.

I dragged Steve to Hedo kicking and screaming. He was thinking that we should go to Rome for the money we were spending. We are Silicon Valley professionals and live a quiet life....well sort of. But to my suprise, he livened up after we were there even with the 12hour trip from California.

Of course we were greeted with the standard “your room isn’t ready yet” so we had lunch and discovered everything we could with our clothes on. Especially the Hummingbird drink. Drinks are included, but take it easy; especially on the sweet ones. The Appleton Rum will put you out of me!! My first impression of Hedo III was that it was smaller than I expected. They have used every inch of the property for activities. But the Hedo legend is larger than life so how could it be.

Our rooms were ready and we changed into pool gear. As far as clothes go, bring at least 3 bathing suits for a 6night stay and plenty of sun screen. I wore half of the stuff that I brought (but that may be just me :) I would recommend Bullfrog if you plan to be in the water for any reason. Especially the nude section. I saw plenty of burned body parts while I was there. The pools are shallow but that’s ok. I like to stand up and not taste chlorine when I’m doing body shots. Our first meal was at the Scotch Bonnet with the waves crashing up and Raegee in the backround. It was wonderful. The food throughout the trip was good. The Italian Restaurant was the best but the scenery and people were great. They make every effort to ensure that you’re having a good time. And that of course we did.

Now of course the question you’re all asking...did Steve and Foxy get their groove on? HELL YEAH THEY DID!!!

The Nude Pool is the place! We have never been a nudists (except in our own home of course) but if I could have one more day there, it would be very cool. There were afternoons in the pool playing gurl on gurl body shot games, (I made the mistake on my first day asking what a body shot was) evenings when it got hotter. Steve and I felt like we were waisting our time in the room. Wonderful shouts of love for the couples and single respectful men that we met there.

The Prude Side was exactly that. I’m not going to give it any more time in my trip report than that. Period. Now for the Theme nites. Although I had my bell bottoms and my afro wig packed, I didn’t wear them and no one really participatied in that activitiy. The one that everyone got into when we were there was Toga and PJ. We won Best Couple at the PJ party contest. That’s the only time that we were in the Disco.

Now to the shout out...take it from us, have a cheesburger you’ll love them. Nola for the wonderful drink service and PeeWee for keeping the “freaky naked people” at the nude pool entertanined. A special thanks to Alice for letting us make love on the beach (which was my fantasy), you made the trip. To the Psychic, you freaked me out. The friends that we met;especially Avis and her Sistas, John and his flower Denise, Maureen, Coco Sparkle, Jenna, John and Heather, and the gurl with the jewlry from Austria and her man that had jewelry in a place that probably really hurt! And Snake and Shannon for showing us what body painting was really all about. All in all, I can’t say that I’ve ever spent a week like this one. Would I go back? HELL YEAH IN A SECOND. My suggestions for Hedo III are: Lower the music at meals in the main dining room, people are trying to talk and dine, Play a variety of music. And last but not least, keep the hot tubs hot.

Love and Peace to you all Foxy