Edd & Priscilla - 8/00

August 17-20

We're two total nudity virgins on our first trip to Hedo3. Never been to a nude beach, but we were adventuresome enough to look forward to the experience. We began reading the trip reports at this site a few weeks before our trip, and looked forward to going, but we were a little concerned about the posts that suggested that Hedo3 was lame compared to Hedo2. Our conclusion is that those posters must have just caught Hedo3 on a bad week. There was NOTHING lame about our trip!

The trip from the airport was every bit as crazy as others have suggested. Our driver was a complete lunatic that drove like he was getting paid by the number of times he scared the Hell out of us. If that was his pay arrangement, he is now the richest man in Jamaica. I'm sure the trip was scenic, but we missed most of the sights because we had our eyes closed.

At check-in, we were told to have a drink at the bar while our rooms were prepared. We walked to the main bar, and within 3 minutes 50 butt-ass naked people, chanting a song and dancing in a conga line, proceeded to invade the prude side, climb the tower and go down the slide. LAME? Don't think so? My girlfriend still insists she saw John Holmes, and looked for him until we left for home.

First night, we headed for the nude pool and hot tub. To our complete amazement, nobody laughed at us when we took off our towels. Within two minutes we were meeting new friends in the hot tub and feeling entirely comfortable and accepted. From that moment on, we spent every possible minute at the nude pool. By the second day, Priscilla knew almost everybody on the nude side. By day three, she was being proclaimed the new President of the nude pool. So much for her being shy!


Except for the two restaurants, the food is only fair, at best. But, Hell, we didn't come here to eat. The Japanese restaurant was very nice, and the Italian place was really good. Make reservations early so that you don't get stuck with the bulk buffets. We also enjoyed the jerk chicken and pork at the Scotch Bonnet.

Look out, or these guys will get you messed up! Drinks are generous, and plentiful. We never had a problem getting a drink.

Toga night was a blast. We were expecting a twin sheet, but they gave us a small portion of what once was a sheet. Turns out that was plenty, since most everyone wore much less.

The wet T-shirt contest was mis-named, since none of the contestants bothered with T-shirts, or anything else. The winner was crowned after she selected two girls and one guy to lick chocolate syrup off of their naked bodies. The first one clean was the winner. I'm still having dreams about this!

The "Shake your Booty" contest at the disco was beyond description. Four fabulous girls stripped naked and danced on the bar. Then, some young guy got on the bar, peeled down, and "danced" naked with them. (Lucky Bastard). This went on for almost an hour. Even the best titty bars in the country couldn't touch this deal.

PLEASE!!! We saw sex at the nude pool and hot tub almost 24 hours a day.There was almost always someone in the grotto near the bar. Body shots were beyond our wildest imagination. Three of the hottest women I ever saw indulged in body shots right on the nude pool bar almost hourly. During "game time" Pee-Wee, the activity coordinator,  organized body shots on the pool fountain. I got my first body shot there, and I was damn impressed. Lets see....I'm gettin blown in front of 75 naked people???? Nothin wrong with that!!! On our last night, we took matters into our own hands. We got about a gallon of fresh whipped cream from the Italian restaurant and headed to the nude pool. Six of us spent the next four hours exchanging body shots in front of the entire free world. So much for the so-called rules!!! The security people just shook their heads in amazement, and cheered us on. For those interested in more serious group encounters, we had a group we dubbed the "A Team" that had a corner room by the nude pool. This bunch had several women that made a playboy centerfold look like our maid, plus a guy that looked like a guard for the Packers. They had a steady procession of beautiful people streaming into their room. Don't know exactly what went on in there, but everyone had a smile on their face when they came back to the pool. If any of the A-Team is reading this, please contact us IMMEDIATELY! Then there was the girl in the hot tub that must have been a deep sea diver. She could stay under water for 5-10 minutes at a time, giving head to anyone that would stand still.We still don't know how she kept from drowning. No wild sex at Hedo3? Give us a break?

Yup, the Disco sucks. We can stand a certain amount of Jamaican rap (shit), but not at that volume. Bring the idiot DJ some real music, and order his ass to play it. We did, and most everyone thanked us for it.

Hot Tub Temperature
Guess they've figured this out. The hot tub was perfect during our entire stay. We never heard anyone complain.

Slick Tile
What idiot selected this tile? It is every bit as slippery as some have suggested. Watch your every step. This is a major design flaw, but no real problem if you are aware in advance.

It can't get much better than this. We fulfilled almost every possible sexual fantasy, and a few we hadn't even thought of before we got to Hedo3. This, in a completely classy environment with a group of wonderful people that one would be proud to call friends even when we got back home. It was quite simply, the most exciting 4 days of our lives. Will we go again? We're already planning our next trip. We've been to almost every other beach destination in the West Indies, EC, and Western Carib. Nothing is even close to this! Catch us on the Chat Room, we're going back in October, and hope to bring a bunch of new friends with us. If you have any doubts or concerns about Hedo3, send us an email. We'd be pleased to answer any of your questions.

Edd & Priscilla