Wet, Wild, & Wicked - Winter 1999
December 11-18, 1999

The email addresses contained herin are to be used only for personal contact. Usage for the purpose of bulk emailing, solicitation, or creating email lists is expressly forbidden.

WWW1999 Rates and Information
WWW1999 Winter main menu page
Email a picture to be placed with your biography

Please let me know when you 've booked your trip or want to add a biography.
You can email me a picture to be included with your biography if desired.

Name(s) - Click for biography (& pictures where noted) Hometown Email Address AOL IM Name
(if used)



(with picture)
12/11-12/18 Yes
Scott(28),Sharyn(30) Sacramento,CA crazygurll@aol.com crazygurll 12/11-12/17 Yes
(with picture)
Sidney,NE hedoloco@yahoo.com  hedoloco 12/5-12/22 Yes
(with picture)
Birmingham,AL 2ofakind@iname.com 12/11-12/18 Yes
(with picture)
Tampa, FL xxx2play@aol.com xxx2play 12/12-12/19 Yes
Sean(25),Tina(32) Reading,PA bitofsas@aol.com bitofsas 12/8-12/16 Yes
(with picture)
BatonRouge,LA kandl2@excite.com 12/8-12/19 Yes
Mike(24),Karen(24) KansasCity,MO mandkperry@aol.com mandkperry 12/11-12/19 Yes
(with picture)
Charlotte,NC wrightsvideo@carolina.rr.com Z3 12/14-12/18 Yes
J.J.(26),Debra(24) Reno hail33@earthlink.net  hail333 12/9-12/19 Yes
(with picture)
Bel Air, MD BuerSan@aol.com buersan 12/5 - 12/12 Yes
Curt(38),Pam(38) Seattle,WA curtbingham@msn.com 12/6 - 12/16 Yes
(with picture)
Houston,TX dougox@flash.net magumbo 12/9 - 12/16 Yes
(with picture)
Memphis,TN balash@midsouth.rr.com 12/11 - 12/18 Yes
Terry(42),Karen(40) OH mscoachung@aol.com mscoachung 12/5 - 12/13 Yes
Robert(33),Peggy(34) SanAntonio professorx@express-news.net 12/5 - 12/12 Yes
Ron,Sharon Alexandria,VA rtyson@idsonline.com 12/9 - 12/14 Yes
Brian(35),Kellie(37) Valencia, CA grixel@hotmail.com   12/9 - 12/17 Yes
(with picture)
Chicago ofinterest@aol.com ofinterest 12/16 - 12/22 Yes
Don(50),Donna(24) Erlanger,KY dsturg9469@aol.com  dsturg9469 12/11 - 12/18 Yes
(with picture)
Nagano,Japan danimal@avis.ne.jp  12/7 - 12/16 Yes
Steve,Char NW US moltzan1@mcn.net  hd9878 12/7 - 12/16 Yes
Jim(50),Jeanie(37) Tulsa,OK fdbfg@aol.com  fdbfg 12/9 - 12/16 Yes
(with picture)
Portland,ME bobnfran@mix-net.net     12/3 - 12/12 Yes
(with picture)
MN tlt@rconnect.com  dajoy9 12/8 - 12/15 Yes
(with picture)
Columbia,MO stephboom@aol.com  stephboom 12/12 - 12/19 Yes
Tony(38),Princess Caroline(27) Orleans,Mass anthonypike@hotmail.com  12/4 - 12/14 Yes
Debra(42)* Frederick,MD debra@gni-inc.com 12/9 - 12/14 Yes
Stan(30s),Jana(30s) Dallas,TX stanjanandallas@yahoo.com  12/9 - 12/16 Yes
Ken(37),Karen(40) Kansas jaydoc@hotbot.com  12/11 - 12/18 Yes
John(52),Susan(53) Harrisburg,PA bikertrash@paonline.com  onenoname 12/7 - 12/12 Yes
Jeff,Loretta (with picture) Atlanta Area hedoduo@home.com  12/4 - 12/13 Yes
Jim(45),Janie(43) Darnestown,MD jemskr@erols.com  12/9 - 12/15 Yes
Eric(28)* Freeport, IL ericsurf@aeroinc.net  desurfer5 12/15 - 12/22 Yes
Lee(50+),Aggy(50) S.Jersey-Philly flhtmv@yahoo.com  12/9 - 12/18 Yes
Orval(59),Linda(52) DaytonaBeach orfairbairn@earthlink.net  12/7 - 12/15 Yes
Jim(35),Nissa(28) Minneapolis nissaphd@pop.mpls.uswest.net  12/9 - 12/16 Yes
Paul(55),Cecilia(46) Birmingham,MI moricool@wwnet.com  12/3 - 12/12 Yes
Bernie(41),Elaine(40) Whitehall,PA emk3@lehigh.edu chilly55 12/9 - 12/13 Yes
(with picture)
Milfort,CT ub21qt@aol.com  ub21qt 12/7 - 12/14 Yes
Steve,Karen Atlanta sm2x4@aol.com  sm2x4 12/3 - 12/12 Yes
Tom(29),Marlene(25) VirginiaBeach taco28@hotmail.com  12/8 - 12/13 Yes
Kenny(41),Ginger(39) Cleveland,TN kenny@hedo-online.com gstar24330 12/5 - 12/12 Yes
Joe(50),MB(52) Northvale,NJ sexxxyoneforall@aol.com  sexxxyoneforall 12/6 - 12/14 Yes
Dave(50),Ellen(45) GreatFalls,VA davetut@juno.com  12/7 - 12/14 Yes
Kary(25)* Orlando karimeka@hotmail.com 12/13 - 12/19 Yes
James(42),Leesa(37) NorthernRockies jsls@digisys.net  12/9 - 12/18 Yes
Charlie(32),Jenny(30) PleasantHill,MO jenrd@hotmail.com  12/11 - 12/18 Yes
Joey(33),Mary(31) Holmes,NY jmc6@webtv.net  12/11 - 12/16 Yes
Ruth(34)* Southampton,PA rlynnp31@aol.com rlynnp31 12/13 - 12/19 Yes
Bill(34),Mary(32) Richmond,IN marykate69@aol.com  marykate69 12/13 - 12/21 Yes
(with picture)
Lincoln,NE juicer@inebraska.com  12/5 - 12/12 Yes
Brian(28),Amy(28) Guthrie,OK troubleontheline@msn.com  12/9 - 12/16 Yes
(with picture)
Redding Ct Rupe1@Prodigy.net  12/8 - 12/18 Yes
Jim(30),Jodi(30) Saratoga,NY MSPYDE@aol.com  mspyde 12/13 - 12/19 Yes
Kelly(27),Erin(26) VirginiaBeach,VA Kellyeod@aol.com  kellyeod 12/17 - 12/23 Yes
David(45)* Boston v12@bit-net.com  12/12 - 12/19 Yes
Irvin(45),Kim(35) Moultrie,GA ieabayga@alltel.net  12/7 - 12/15 Yes
Mark(44),Lynne(45) Bloomington, IL haeffele@hotmail.com  12/4 - 12/11 Yes
T.Wayne(46),Julie(38) WIllowSprings,TX twaynelock@aol.com twaynelock 12/10 - 12/19 Yes
Tracy(30) SC h20tracy@aol.com h20tracy 12/13 - 12/18 Yes
Tim(40s),Sue(40s) Midwest timb816441@aol.com timb816441 12/12 - 12/15 Yes

121 people as of 12/08/99