Steve & Tina 10/99

The Chocolate Party

I moderate the Jamaicaloop ( a group of people going to Hedo every year during Lifestyles Week in October). I wanted to find a way to have everyone introduce themselves when we got to Hedo, so I thought of the Chocolate Party. I got the idea from looking up erotic lotions on the Web one day, and ran into "fantasy chocolate".

During the summer, I scheduled a few events for our group. I asked everyone interested in joining the party to purchase a bottle of chocolate. I set a date for the party, time and place. Everyone met in the nude hot tub at 5:00 on Sunday, and we "let the games begin".

I chose to have everyone on our loop identified by putting small temporary tattoos on their arm. Some people hanging in the hot tub requested to be invited to the party, so we put a tatoo on their arm , and made them "honorary loopers".

After the tattoos were applied, I asked everyone to reveal their bottles of chocolate. They caught on quickly that the idea was to say "hello, did I put my initial on you yet?", and this always provoked the response "why no...where would you like to initial me?"

We stood above the hot tub, huddled in a group, applying chocolate to each other. We had a lot of laughs, and there was smearing of chocolate over everyone. Someone got the clever idea to have about ten people smear chocolate over me at once. A wonderful memory I'll cherish forever!

We were soon feeling a little "sticky", and had consumed enough chocolate from doing "taste tests" off each other's bodies. Everyone rinsed off in the shower, and spent most of dinner talking about how much fun it was.
