Eric's Hedonism II Report - 05/98


Dear Fellow Hedonists,

My May trip was enjoyable, as every trip has been so far. Seeing old friends was rewarding and meeting/making new friends was always a pleasure.

A few new key items: 1. There is a new Entertainment Manager: Eladio. Michele is still there. She and Diva now work in the office dealing with special groups/rates

2. There is an air conditioned TV. Room, between the men + woman bathroom next to Veronica's. Dark, cool and soft couch-like seats.

3. At the Repeaters Party the usual statements were made: - "We are working on fixing the air conditioning in the Disco." -"We are working on the water pressure of the showers" But...they had mentioned building new rooms. We asked where and they said that they were looking ant the open grassy areas of the nude and prude side. We, as a group, suggested that they do not do this because these area adds to the beauty of this place it is a comfortable walk and change of pace.

4. It was hotter than normal (El Nino?) for May. Good luck when you go. I'm a little worried about September

5. J.J. (Jamaica Jim Jordan) had his Reunion Week. It definitely made the week worthwhile. Plus he tied about 20+ togas for those who wanted his expertise for the Toga Party.

6. The virgin "concert" of "Deluions of Grandeur" (band consisting of Hedo Vets) went well. They played during dinner so it was difficult for people to dance (How can you dance with your mouth full?) They were well received and will be playing again next year, but not during dinner.

7. There were weddings and engagements happening down there and I was happy to be part of some of them.

8. A good time was had by all

Take care and be safe. I'll see some of you Sept.6-13 and the rest I'll see in May, if not sooner.


Eric from Boston ('the Hedonism Blues'man)